They're cool, they're beautiful, they're inspiring and we wanted to celebrate them, because between them, they represent us!
5 women in this month of March, dedicated to women, means #TheaJewelry ! (Women come from March, don't we know it?)
We women! In all our complexity, in all that we are, our resilience, our lives as businesswomen, mothers, friends, lovers... Far from clichés, but with a positive message that makes sense! Because as with TheaFor a month, we're going to be celebrating the powers of each of the women who prove that if you believe, anything is possible. The mantras of this ode to women and sisterhood? To feel good, to share, to learn, to boost each other, to assert ourselves, to have self-confidence and, above all, to have fun!
Marie, the AUDACIOUS
I discovered Marie on Instagram and then on M6's "Qui veut être mon associé". I was struck by the audacity of this girl, I really thought she lived up to her 'powerful' cad brand. Assuming at a young age in front of France that she uses a vibrator and that it's normal!
Why is it that a man masturbates and it's totally normal, but for a woman it's "confidential"? Even some of the jury were embarrassed, but I was mostly embarrassed for them and BIG UP has Marie breaking the codes and taking responsibility! Well done for your project and for your audacity, at #TheaJewelry, you inspire us a lot in any case!
I don't know her, but I love her.
His account is a joy for me!
She's a no-holds-barred, no-holds-barred kind of person, who doesn't care what's "pretty" on her insta page, it's just a load of photos, quotes and hilarious jokes. It's everything I love. For me, she's pure authenticity with no filter, and everyone can identify with her world because she's so reassuring.

J’ai fait la connaissance de Géraldine, en zoom « so 2020 ». J’ai une acné rosacée et une peau super sensible depuis longtemps, ce qui me vaut encore à 40 ans une peau « moyenne » et toujours des imperfections donc je me suis retournée vers elle. Elle a développé en 7 ans un appareil breveté ! (oui, oui). Cette innovation est née de son expérience personnelle, un cancer de la peau lié à une exposition solaire trop importante. (parfaitement pris en charge et guéri). J’adore le fait qu’elle a fait de son problème une force et qu’en plus, elle propage ses conseils pour nous aider à mieux nous accepter.
I discovered Anaïs in a digital campaign for ETAM.
She's a sporty woman with curves, and she's proud of it!
She has set up her "Bellysculpting" programme, a unique method for everyone! Anaïs suffers from lipoederme, a chronic condition she developed in her teens. I quote her: "a non-existent, unsightly and painful leg and ankle disease".
On her account, she shares the work and the process of coming to terms with and accepting this body that she does not reject, but rather cares for and gradually learns to love...
I admire her for fighting against it, for speaking out about it, but above all she's easy-going, friendly and a real lesson in body positivity! A woman who is right at home this month under the theme "We, women...".
Morgane is the founder of HER LOOP. At Loop, we believe that every woman should be able to go through her cycle naturally, without having to hide, feel ashamed or be stressed about the organisation that her period involves! Morgane is our latest woman from March who we wanted to honour. Through this project, she wants to take up the cause of women because it's important to her. She wants to bring a sense of well-being to women's day-to-day lives, to everything they do, to support them, to set them free, and to do all this in a way that is comfortable for her. To round off the month of March, we've honoured the powers of 5 women who prove that if you believe, anything is possible. The mantras of this ode to women and sisterhood? To feel good, to share, to learn, to boost each other, to assert ourselves, to have self-confidence and, above all, to have fun!