Thea's tips for making the most of your jewellery!

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Que vous soyez à la recherche de la pièce idéale pour une occasion spéciale ou simplement pour sublimer votre quotidien, découvrez comment choisir et porter vos bijoux pour révéler votre style unique et renforcer votre personnalité.

Les bijoux se déclinent à l’infini, il en existe dans différentes matières, formes et couleurs. Avec tous ces choix possibles il est difficile de se demander quel bijou choisir et comment les porter pour mettre en valeur ses bijoux.

Of course, the first piece of advice we can give you is to match your jewellery to your outfit. But how?

In Spring and Summer, a woman likes to stand out, so a piece of gold-coloured jewellery, adorned with coloured stones and voluminous will not go unnoticed. The freshness of spring and summer clothes is perfectly matched by jewellery with precious stones such as sapphires, rubies or even emeralds. Just imagine yourself on a summer's evening, dressed in a white dress and accompanied by your most colourful jewels.

In Autumn and Winter, it's best to avoid thick, bulky jewellery, opting instead for slimmer models. If they are in white or silver gold, that's even better. At these times of year, a woman may decide to wear a cream blouse or a black jumper. A white gold necklace set with diamonds will brighten up your outfit. Earrings can also be matched to your outfit.

Jewellery compliments your complexion and it's important to know how to enhance your complexion with the jewellery you wear.

Choosing jewellery is first and foremost a question of taste, but also of skin. To do this, do a little colourimetry test: look at the veins on your wrist.

  • Are they green? Then you have a warm tone.
  • Are they purple? This corresponds to a cold tone.
  • If you can't tell the difference between the two colours, you can do as you please - it's a 'neutral' tone. Lucky you!

Silver, white gold and platinum are metals that brighten up natural tones and light hair. What's more, cool tones go well with gemstones that are red (ruby, garnet), violet (amethyst, iolite) and blue (sapphire, blue topaz, Blue London topaz). White gold is an excellent choice of metal for light tones.

Yellow gold, yellow vermeil and pink vermeil stand out particularly with dark hair and dark skins. It brings light to the skin and highlights tanned skin just back from holiday. Warm skin tones would go well with yellow metals, as well as yellow, orange and green gemstones.

But be careful, just because you have a light skin tone doesn't mean you can't wear yellow gold jewellery, and vice versa. Jewellery is made to be loved and enjoyed!

Quantity is not synonymous with quality!

Depending on your mood, your tastes, your skin tone and your outfit, you can choose to wear one piece of jewellery or several. But there are a few tips we can give you if you're still hesitating.

A single piece of jewellery - a necklace, bracelet or ring - will enhance any outfit, whether it's full of colour, pattern or ruffles. For example, a ring or necklace is all you need to add the finishing touch to a chic look!

Opting for Stacking is based on the accumulation of jewellery. Stacking is a real fashion phenomenon that allows you to unleash your creativity by mixing colours and styles in an ultra-chic way. It adds a highly feminine touch, but as with all good things, don't overdo it and you'll stay on trend!

Stacking bracelets allows you to dare to be original by mixing materials, colours, stones and styles. You can combine chains, stones and fabrics. Stacking necklaces should be made up of fine necklaces with a certain harmony between them, particularly the colour of the jewellery and the stones. Wearing several necklaces at the same time, with a pretty shirt or a low-cut jumper, is very trendy! There's something for everyone, and the only limit is your imagination: precious stones, metals, small rings...

Showcasing your jewellery enhances and sublimates your personality. The aim is to be an exceptional, stylish, confident and beautiful woman. What's more, wearing your favourite jewellery as often as possible helps to assert your personal identity.

There is only one rule: Treat yourself!

I design my own jewellery


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