Le podcast de Thea Jewelry :
"There are the "I love you's", the "thank you's", the "I'll be fine" and the "I'll miss you's". There are the words that give strength, comfort and encouragement. Words that make you feel loved, that show you love in return, that simply express and transmit emotions.
Since 2010, we at Thea Jewelry have been celebrating words - the words that symbolize your story - every day. Through your creations, we've discovered heartbreaking life stories: those of Léa, Paul, Isabelle and Naima.
For our 10th anniversary, we decided́ to celebrate.
Welcome to Stories & Stonesthe podcast about stories and words. I'm Emilie, the founder of Thea Jewelry and I'm very - very - happy to share them with you today."
Ces mots simples mais puissants résonnent profondément chez Thea Jewelry. Depuis sa fondation en 2010, la marque a toujours placé les émotions et les récits personnels au cœur de ses créations. Chaque bijou raconte une histoire unique, portant avec lui les sentiments de ceux qui le portent et de ceux qui l’offrent.
Chez Thea, chaque pièce est plus qu’un simple accessoire de mode ; elle est un symbole d’affection, de soutien ou de souvenir précieux.